Planetary crises and post-growth organizing

tl;dr: special issue on key principles for a sustainable future: frugal abundance, conviviality, care, and open relocalization. 

Envisioning a post-COVID 19 world where societies and organizations can flourish without growth is one of the most difficult tasks facing scholars from all disciplines. This is especially true for those of us who work in management and organization studies, where the status quo assumption remains fixed on economic growth and profit maximization. Together with my colleagues Bobby Banerjee, John Jermier, Ana Maria Peredo, and Robert Perey, we approached this challenge putting together a special issue with ORGANIZATION (SAGE) on “Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post-growth era”.

In it, we are discussing the hegemonic properties of growth ideology and second by sketching an alternative political economy as a context for reimagining social and economic relations within planetary capacities in a post-growth era. Drawing on degrowth literature in ecological economics, sociology and political ecology, we identify key principles relevant to processes of organizing for a more just and environmentally sustainable future: frugal abundance, conviviality, care, and open relocalization. Our goal was to come to a deeper understanding of a new political economy beyond growth, with a clear focus on redistribution, restoration, cooperation and sufficiency.

You can find the introduction to our special issue for free (CC BY 4.0) on the journal website. Let’s continue this debate both online and offline in the future!

#OrganizationStudies #CriticalManagementStudies

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