The Business Model of Enough

tl;dr: Using social-practice theory to construct a generic business model for sufficiency

We live in an era of unsustainability. Our political-economic systems are producing massive economic wealth on the back of large-scale ecological degradation. Businesses and their business models are important economic value creators and drivers of innovation in any political-economic framework. The challenge to transform society, and thus our political economy, towards sustainability cannot be sufficiently conceptualized without charting the transformation potentials, possibilities and barriers of businesses and their business models.… Read more

Next Growth: Re-Imagining Growth

tl;dr: Moving beyond growth as a paradigm is vital to unlock a new economy of prosperity, creativity and sustainability – and business has a large role to play 

Successful business = economic growth. This equation appears to be a natural law of economics, despite the many downsides of growth (exploitation, inequalities, ecological degradation) and the economic limitations of growth (secular stagnation, lagging productivity, global demographic change, low to negative interest rates). In fact, in can be argued that we already see the first signs of a postgrowth age, with decelerating global growth rates and possible contractions in many countries in the years and decades ahead.… Read more